Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Valley Advantage covers Mid Valley library donation

The Valley Advantage
December 2, 2011

Library Donation

To mark Veterans Day, local author Cathy Mazur visited Mid Valley Elementary Center (MVEC) to donate a book in memory of local hero Staff Sgt. Patrick Dolphin. He was a student at Mid Valley Elementary. His second grade teacher, Carol Misewicz and some fourth grade students listened to Mazur read her new book, Stanley Seagull.

Front row, from left: fourth-graders, Katlyn Kobylanski, Nicole Melesky, Caitlin Doughton, Isabella Vinskofski, John Piorkowski and Joel Kriger.

Back row: MVEC Principal Carlos Lopez; librarian Sarah Davis; Mazur and Misewicz.

Monday, November 28, 2011

One Year to Disney review

One Year to Disney
November 26, 2011

Stanley Seagull
by Leslie

Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur is a very cute book! I originally got it to read to my daughter. But, I think it's a bit over her head. She's five and she likes a book with cadence, rhyme and rhythm. This book has more of a moral story to it. I would say this is more of a book for a child in elementary school. Stanley learns that there's no place like home. It would be a cute book paired with watching the Wizard of Oz in a thematic unit in a classroom in perhaps a 2nd or 3rd grade.

If you're looking for an enjoyable book for this age range, I highly recommend. It's cute, an easy read, and a sweet little moral at the end. There's even a Stanley Seagull Facebook!! Check it out, I promise, you'll enjoy.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Cathy visits Dunmore Elementary

Scranton Times-Tribune
November 18, 2011

Author reads to Dunmore students

Former Mid Valley School District librarian Cathy Mazur of Dickson City reads "Stanley Seagull" to a group of students at Dunmore Elementary on Thursday. Ms. Mazur found inspiration to write "Stanley Seagull," because of the seagulls she saw flying around landfills in the area.

Cathy visits Mid Valley Elementary Center

Scranton Times-Tribune
November 21, 2011

Author donates book in memory of veteran

To mark Veterans Day, local author Cathy Mazur visits Mid Valley Elementary Center to donate a book in memory of local hero Staff Sgt. Patrick Dolphin.

Front row, from left: fourth-graders, Katlyn Kobylanski, Nicole Melesky, Caitlin Doughton, Isabella Vinskofski, John Piorkowski and Joel Kriger.

Back row: MVEC Principal Carlos Lopez; librarian Sarah Davis; Ms. Mazur; and Sgt. Dolphin's second-grade teacher, Carol Misewicz.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Please vote for Cathy for Best Local Author

Please vote for Cathy Mazur in the Electric City Best Local Author 2011 poll at:


Voting ends Wednesday, November 23 at 11:59 p.m.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't forget - Meet Cathy tomorrow at Stirna's in Scranton

Meet Stanley Seagull author, Cathy Mazur

Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 6-8 p.m.

120 W. Market St.
Scranton, PA 18508
(570) 961-9681
click for more info

Friday, October 7, 2011

Cathy's classroom visit

The Little Explorers were so thrilled to welcome author, Cathy Mazur, to our school today. They loved her reading of Stanley Seagull. It's not everyday you get a "photo op" with a published author!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Scranton Times-Tribune article

Scranton Times-Tribune
October 2, 2011

Dickson City woman pens first book

A retired school librarian has penned her first children's book.

Archbald-based Tribute Books recently published "Stanley Seagull," by Dickson City resident Cathy Mazur, who served as the elementary school librarian in the Mid Valley School District for 34 years.

Featuring illustrations by Throop resident Colleen Gedrich, the book tells the story of Stanley, a young seagull who winds up hundreds of miles from his home at the beach, thanks to a garbage truck. As he tries to find his way back, he learns how humans affect the balance of nature.

Mrs. Mazur will be promoting the book throughout the month.

On Tuesday, Oct. 11, from 6 to 8 p.m., she'll have a book signing at Stirna's Restaurant, 120 W. Market St.

Then, on Wednesday, Oct. 19, and Thursday, Oct. 20, she'll read the book for students at Mid Valley Elementary Center, Underwood Road, Throop. There, she will donate a hardcover copy of the book in memory of Staff Sgt. Patrick R. Dolphin, a local Marine who recently died in Afghanistan.

The book costs $16.95 hardcover, 7.95 paperback and $2.99 to $4.99 e-book, and it can be purchased at www.tribute-books.com or www.stanleyseagull.com.

"Stanley Seagull"

Author: Cathy Mazur

Illustrator: Colleen Gedrich

Publisher: Tribute Books

Cost: $16.95 hardcover, $7.95 paperback, $2.99-$4.99 e-book

On the Web: www.tribute-books.com, www.stanleyseagull.com

Friday, September 30, 2011

Don't forget - Meet Cathy tomorrow at Pages & Places

Meet Stanley Seagull author, Cathy Mazur

Saturday, October 1, 2011
Pages & Places Book Festival

Courthouse Square
Scranton, PA 18503
click for more info

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

BLOG TOUR STOP: The Elliott Review

The Elliott Review
September 28, 2011

Review: Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur; illustrated by Colleen Gedrich
by Jessi Elliott

Stanley loves the new green trucks that appear and bring loads of interesting food for Stanley and his friends. However, since he misses the alert to fly away when the truck is loading, he finds himself miles and miles away from his wonderful seaside home in a nasty landfill.

His journey home will be followed by kids who are captivated by the interesting pictures. The book has much that it can teach children and adults alike. If we don't take care of our world, it becomes ugly and uncomfortable not just for animals but for people too!



Book Page
August 30, 2011

Stanley Seagull
by Hattie Norman


Even Seagulls can have bad days. In this instance, there is Stanley Seagull. Stanley makes a friend one day. His new friend, Seymour, shows him delicious types of food in a big green truck. Seymour warns Stanley time isn't to be wasted. When it's time to go, it's time to go. Stanley must move quickly. However, Stanley doesn't move up and away from the green truck in time. In one sad day he will find himself far away from his ocean home. The story is delightful and sad too. Along the way Stanley meets another friend Walter. No new friend can make Stanley stop thinking about home. Will Stanley ever get back to his ocean home?

"Stanley wanted to get back to the beach, but how? Walter thought awhile and explained that a lot of gulls never made it back..."


September 28, 2011

Stanley Seagull eBook Review!
by Melissa

I love reading, and SAP takes after me in that sense too! She can’t get enough of books! I love to get her books that teach her things about life whether it be how other cultures live or how animals act to different places and things like mountains she has never seen before. Unfortunately these types of children’s books are not always the best at keeping SAP’s attention.

That’s why I loved the idea of the ebook Stanley Seagull! SAP loved the special treat of sitting with mommy at the computer reading the ebook and talking about the seagulls and what they were eating and what they were doing! The pictures were very large and colorful, capturing her attention and following along well with the story. I liked how it show-cased that seagulls live at the sea and not where we are accustomed to seeing them: in our landfills, parking lots, and parks!

Learn more about Stanley Seagull on the Stanley Seagull Blog!

Also, connect with Stanley Seagull on their Facebook Page!

The “Stanley Seagull” book is available in print (paperback or hardcover) as well as e-versions! (PDF, iPad, Kindle, Nook, Google)

Purchase any version on the Stanley Seagull Website!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

BLOG TOUR STOP: My Devotional Thoughts

My Devotional Thoughts
September 27, 2011

Stanley Seagull Blog Tour
by Martha Hill

Because this book is a children's book, I would like to welcome my daughter, Martha Hill, who has written her very first book review.

Stanley SeagullStanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

"There were not any real "stand-out" parts in this book for me. I liked that for each page you read, you got to see two really neat pictures. Since I was reading on a Kindle, the pictures were in black and white, but I still enjoyed them. I believe this book would appeal to children younger than I am because it was very easy for me to read. The most exciting part about this book is that it was the first book I ever read on my very own Kindle! This is also the first review I ever wrote!"

Submitted by my eight-year-old daughter

BLOG TOUR STOP: Yankee Texas Mom

Yankee Texas Mom
September 26, 2011

Come Meet Stanley Seagull While He's Visiting
by Cynthia Lay

Stanley Seagull is on tour this month and Yankee Texan Mom is very happy to have him as a visitor! Stanley Seagull is the story of a young seagull named Stanley and it follows him as he wanders far from home and tries to find his way back. In his journey, he learns how humans affect the balance of nature. The book was written by Cathy Mazur and is illustrated by Colleen Gedrich.

I read this book with my daughter Gwen who is three and she LOVED it! The story is easy to follow and, although she didn’t sit through the whole story, she did come back to finish it later. (My daughter rarely sits through a book in one sitting.) We both enjoyed the story and the beautiful illustrations. You don’t have to take my word for it though – you can take a peek here in this preview.

I enjoyed this book because I felt that it was teaching more than one lesson in a subtle way. It was easy to point out to my daughter that Stanley ended up with a problem because he hadn’t listened to some warnings. As a parent, I appreciate books that offer multiple lessons so that I have the flexibility to focus on different areas. It also makes the book more interesting for my daughter.

Stanley Seagull is on tour for the whole month and you can find out more at Tribute Books. If you are interested in purchasing the book, it is available in several formats and can be purchased through iTunes, Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Monday, September 26, 2011

BLOG TOUR STOP: The Garden Gate

The Garden Gate
September 26, 2011

Book Review: Stanley Seagull
by Georgiann

Book Summary and link to Stanley Seagull website.
Meet a young seagull named Stanley. Follow him as he wanders far from home and tries to find his way back. Join Stanley on his journey as he learns how humans affect the balance of nature.

Stanley Seagull

Author Cathy Mazur
Illustrated by Colleen Gedrich

This is a delightful story and the pictures are vibrant with color. The illustrator did a great job bringing Stanley to life with her drawings! It was fun to read of Stanley's adventures, as greed took him far from home and how friendship directed him back. Many lessons to learn from this wonderfully written children's story. For instance the abundance of wasted food and other trash from the human population and many others. So go read for yourself and see what message you get from the story. You won't be disappointed!

You can read more about Stanley Seagull author Cathy Mazur at her facebook page.

I would like to thank Tribute Books for the chance to give a book review for Stanley Seagull!
Tribute Books website can be found here.

BLOG TOUR STOP: Little Wonders, Big Dreams

Little Wonders, Big Dreams
September 25, 2011

Stanley Seagull - Review
by Monique

Come meet Stanley Seagull as he wanders far from home and learns how we humans affect nature as he tries to find his way home again. Along the way he also learns a valuable lesson about greed and gluttony.

I was given the chance to review this fabulous book by Cathy Mazur and was honoured to be picked to be part of the Blog Tour being hosted by Tribute Books this month highlighting Stanley and his travels.

Stanley Seagull is a fabulous children's book to show how our trash and overuse affects the world around us and the very basic parts of nature. Stanley is a young curious seagull that loves where he lives on the coast of the Atlantic ocean. He spends his days dining on fish, grubs and scraps of food left on the beach by beach goers. Life is good, there was plenty of food to eat, he could fly over the beautiful glassy ocean and breath in the salty air.

One day the gulls spot big green trucks along the pier full of good looking garbage to eat, it was a food fest and Stanley couldn't wait to join in for the first time. The curious young Stanley follows his cousin Seymour and finds more food that he could ever eat! He starts devouring everything he can but doesn't understand why all the other gulls have left. Poor Stanley is stuck in the truck and transported to a new dark place nowhere near the sea, he is now lost miles from the coast in a landfill. The determined and curious Stanley with the help of his new landfill friend Walter hatch a plan to get Stanley home again unlike many other gulls Walter had met before. At last Stanley makes it home to the ocean and is happy to be home in his simple coastal life.

Though a simple and short story the story of Stanley highlights the overuse and trash we produce and how it affects even the seagulls. The fear and panic Stanley feels once he is in a new place nowhere near his home, and the sad story from Walter how many gulls never make it home again bring home how much we change the balance of nature. This wonderful story is accented perfectly with amazing illustrations done by Colleen Gedrich. This is a very cute book and would be a great story to accent your Earth Day and Recycling units or just to read as a group.

You can pick up a copy of Stanley Seagull in Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle, Nook and iPad formats.

BLOG TOUR STOP: Future Catholic

Future Catholic
September 25, 2011

Children's Book: Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur
by CF Mathews

Welcome to the…

~ Tribute Books Tour for September ~

Stanley Seagullby Cathy Mazur

Illustrated by Colleen Gedrich

“One day Stanley and his cousin Seymour were flying over houses on the bay…Seymour flew down and snapped up a large hotdog. Stanley was very impressed with Seymour’s reward.” Cathy Mazur uses humor and charm to create the world of a seagull named Stanley. Stanley goes on an adventure far from home and must find his way back. Any child would love to hear this book as a bedtime story.

Stanley Seagull is reminiscent of the classic “find your way home” tale, but told in a bite-size way for children. It speaks of man’s interventions and how they may have an impact on nature. At one point, Stanley thinks to himself, “A seagull should not live a hundred miles away from the ocean; it went against nature and the order of things.” How often do we hear those kinds of words anymore? I can’t think of anything more important than giving a child an appreciation for “nature and the order of things, ” especially in the current cultural climate. You may purchase this book at Amazon.com.

From Pennsylvania, Cathy Mazur was employed as a school librarian for 35 year, before retiring. She instituted and coordinated a program called “Reading is Fundamental,” which seeks to encourage children to develop a love of reading.

Colleen Gedrich’s illustrations are fun and colorful. She succeeds in capturing the ocean environment that Stanley loves and calls home. Also from Pennsylvania, Ms. Gedrich is a program coordinator for the International Society for Animal Rights.

Tribute Books is a publishing company, started by Nicole Langan. They accept new manuscripts-instructions are on the website. Topics and types of books include: children’s books, history, historical fiction, humor, photo books, poetry, reference, relationships, religion and sports. Tribute Books also provides opportunities for fundraising.

Friday, September 23, 2011

BLOG TOUR STOP: There's a Book

There's a Book
September 23, 2011

Book Review: Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur
by Danielle Smith

Stanley Seagull
by Cathy Mazur
Illustrated by Colleen Gedrich

Published by Tribute Books
Pages: 32
Publishers Summmary:

Meet a young seagull named Stanley. Follow him as he wanders far from home and tries to find his way back. Join Stanley on his journey as he learns how humans affect the balance of nature.

The Turkeybird Speaks: “What a silly bird! He goes on a ride and falls asleep in a garbage truck! I love trucks, but I don’t think I’d like one taking me far from my home.

“This was a fun book. The seagull was silly and my mom taught me about how really have to be careful about what I do with my trash. We live by the beach and I love seeing the birds, but I don’t want them to eat my sandwich! And my mom said that the stuff in the ocean is better for them anyways.”

Mom’s Two Cents: “Stanley is one hungry seagull and living at the beach can be tough when much of his food supply has been gathered up by fisherman. When he and his friends discover a new treasure trove of food on the back of a moving truck that comes each day they can’t help but be excited. Sadly, Stanley doesn’t listen when his friends tell him to fly away and he’s suddenly whisked away to a strange place in the back of a garbage truck. His journey back is difficult, but along the way he makes a new friend and discovers just how much he loves his beach home.

Stanley Seagull was a very fun read. Both the Turkeybird and I enjoyed talking about the beach, a place we love to having nearby our home, and the birds that live there. In Stanley Seagull the poor bird discovers that human food may not be the right menu choice for him, especially if eating it out of the back of a garbage truck. It was a wonderful opportunity to talk with the Turkeybird about how our behavior and choices impact the animals that live near and far. If there were perhaps anything I’d change it would be the illustrations a bit. I’m not sure if it was due to the reading on an eReader, but many times I thought the images were a bit blurry and not my typical choice. That being said, Stanley Seagull delivers an excellent message and one I believe all children can learn from.”

The1stdaughter Recommends: Ages 3 to 8. A great story to help teach children the impact of our choices on the environment around us.

Find Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur and Illustrated by Colleen Gedrich at the following spots:
Powell’s Books
Barnes & Noble

BLOG TOUR STOP: Everything to Do with Books

Everything to Do with Books
September 23, 2011

Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur
by Rebecca

Stanley Seagull is a neat little story about a seagull named Stanley who gets lost one day and has to try and get home.

I really liked the illustrations in Stanley Seagull. I particularly loved the way that the seagulls were drawn. They looked really great. The illustrations were also very bright and colourful so that was something I really liked.

The story itself was really entertaining. It’s definitely something that a young child would love. It’s simplistic but not so simplistic that it would be overly boring.

I had a lot of fun reading Stanley Seagull and I think that it would definitely be enjoyable for younger children.

Visit Stanley Seagull at his website by clicking here.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Frugal Plus
September 22, 2011

Review of Stanley Seagull
by Jill

Reading level: Ages 9-12
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: TB Press (June 27, 2011)
ISBN-10: 0983741808
ISBN-13: 978-0983741800

Meet a young seagull named Stanley. Follow him as he wanders far from home and tries to find his way back. Join Stanley on his journey as he learns how humans affect the balance of nature.

Read an Excerpt!

One day, Stanley meets a new friend, Seymour, who shows him the ropes in attaining "easy" and tasty tidbits from a big green truck. Most importantly, Seymour tells Stanley that he must move quickly when feasting from the truck.

However, Stanley caught up in his feeding frenzy does not heed Seymour's advise and ends up in a stinky landfill. He longs for the refreshing Atlantic beach he called home.

While at the landfill, he met another gull, Walter, who had become accustomed to living there. He was very distraught when Walter told him he was at least 100 miles from home. Missing his family, he hoped that his new-found friend could lead him home.

This adventurous read is the perfect conversation starter with your child in learning to be better listeners and doing what they are told. The expressions of the watercolor illustrations are eye-catching cute.

Follow Stanley Seagull on his Website and Facebook

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

BLOG TOUR STOP: Nap Time Is My Time

Nap Time Is My Time
September 21, 2011

Book review: Stanley Seagull

by Emily

Meet a young seagull named Stanley. Follow him as he wanders far from home and tries to find his way back. Join Stanley on his journey as he learns how humans affect the balance of nature.

Stanley loves to eat and shares meals with his cousin Seymor. Seymor is a more adventurous and experienced gull who invites Stanley to a great feast at a garbage truck. Sadly,Stanley is not paying attention when it was time to fly out of the truck and is carried more than 100 miles from the ocean to the dump.

That’s where Stanley meets Walter,another gull. Walter tries to convince Stanley to stay at the dump. That life there is just a good as life near the ocean. Stanley won’t listen to Walter,he’s desperate to return home. After attempting to find his way alone,he returns to the dump discouraged. The following day,Walter helps Stanley stow away in a garbage truck bound for the ocean.

Stanley is thrilled to see his cousin Seymor again and smell the crisp ocean air.

Written by Cathy Mazur,a former elementary school librarian,this book is a wonderful addition to your elementary school-aged child’s library. The illustrations by Colleen Gedrich are colorful and fun.

Buy it:
You can purchase your own copy in hardcover, paperback, Kindle, Nook, or iPad.

Learn more:

Visit Stanley Seagull on his website or on Facebook
Connect with Cathy Mazur on Facebook
Connect with Collen Gedrich on Facebook
Connect with Tribute Books on line, blog tours,Facebook,and Twitter.

BLOG TOUR STOP: Celtic Lady's Reviews

Celtic Lady's Reviews
September 21, 2011

Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur and illustrated by Colleen Gedrich Review
by Kathleen Kelly

This children's book, Stanley Seagull, is a very colorful and wonderful read. I loved the colorful pictures and the lesson learned. We need to pay attention to what is around us and not get "carried" away with things beyond our reach. Never stray too far from home because that is where true happiness and if we persevere things will work out. I would recommend this book for any child. Loved it!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

BLOG TOUR STOP: In the Pages

In the Pages
September 20, 2011

Stanley Seagull

by Becky Bilby

I was sent a digital copy of Stanley Seagull by Tribute Books and thought this was a fun story. It is the story of seagull that gets separated from his friends when he doesn't realize danger is present. He has to find his way back to his buddies AND the ocean - which isn't easy! This book is also environmental at its core so if you are doing a unit on how humans affect the environment - this would be a good choice to help show those affects.

This book also has a fun website - Stanley Seagull.And don't miss the Kindle Edition as well!!

BLOG TOUR STOP: Giveaway Blogdom

Giveaway Blogdom
September 20, 2011

Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur - Review
by April

What an adventure this little guy, Stanley (a seagull) goes on in this book. Stanley happily lives by the sea and upon discovering an amazing new restaurant is unwillingly swept away to the landfill. Unable to find his way home he relies on a new-found friend, and some quick thinking to find away home.

Cathy Mazur, the author has a wonderful way of showing how humans can effect the balance of nature, from an seagulls point of view. Stanley Seagull was sent to me to review on my Kindle (birthday present from my mom yea). Stanley Seagulls story was interesting and very kid friendly, however on my Kindle which has no color, dramatically decreased my children’s interest. The story was wonderful and I was also able to view it online via my computer in color which the children liked much more. I really enjoyed joining Stanley Seagull on his adventure home, however living in Colorado my children had no idea what a seagull was. So my 4-year-old Kaidin, simply called it an Eagle which we are much more common in Colorado.

You can Purchase Stanley Seagull at the following forms

Paper back or Hard Back or Kindle or Nook or Ipad

BLOG TOUR STOP: Real Life Deals

Real Life Deals
September 20, 2011

Stanley Seagull Review & Giveaway

by Sharon Williams

I recently received a free ebook copy of Stanley Seagull from Tribute Books.

Meet a young seagull named Stanley. Follow him as he wanders far from home and tries to find his way back. Join Stanley on his journey as he learns how humans affect the balance of nature.

About the author:
Born in Scranton, Pa., Cathy Mazur was educated in the Dunmore public school system and graduated from Dunmore High School in 1971. Cathy was an elementary school librarian for the Mid Valley School District from 1975 until her retirement in 2010. She resides in Dickson City, Pa. with Frank, her husband of 31 years. They are the parents of two children, Gary, 27 and Gia, 19.

One winner will receive an ebook copy in the version of their choice (PDF, Kindle, Nook or iPad).

If you would like to win a ecopy of Stanley Seagull, just leave a comment at this link telling which ereader you use.

Winner will be chosen by random.org. Giveaway ends on September 25, 9 PM EST.

Monday, September 19, 2011

BLOG TOUR STOP: The Bookish Dame

The Bookish Dame
September 16, 2011

"Stanley Seagull" - He's Adorable!
by Deborah Previte

I know this isn't the ordinary book I review for "A Bookish Libraria," but it's one I thought you might enjoy for a change of pace!

Dear Stanley is the cutest seagull ever! His book is fun to read and has lots of pictures to keep young ones' imaginations going while you read to them. I was even able to read "Stanley..." over Skype to my grandson, and he loved it!

The story of a kindly, but young seagull, "Stanley.." will warm the hearts of little ones while teaching (in a gentle way) the lessons of home and heeding the advice of others. Stanley is caught up in a "situation" where his impulse to get what he wants; i. e., more food, overcomes his caution and the warning of his friend. He grabs more food from a trash truck only to become trapped and carried off a long way from home--to a landfill before he knows it! At the landfill he learns about how humans are affecting the environment.

Scared and very far from home, poor Stanley realizes his mistake in not listening to his friend's warning. Or, put another way; he learns that for every action, there's a reaction...for bad or for worse, and in this case it's worse because he is not home; not near his beautiful beach!

A wise old seagull, Walter, helps Stanley, and from him Stanley learns how to get back home. Dear Stanley recognizes that there really is no place like his home, and he learns others just might be able to share wise advice he could learn from.

I loved this little book. It's just right for children who are learning impulse control, listening to teachers and parents for guidance, and understanding about our environment. The pictures are so darling. They visually support Stanley's feelings throughout.

All in all, "Stanley the Seagull" is a bright new book for children, one that is fun to read to them and one that has a messages they might easily take in.

The other thing that impresses me about this book is that it is published by Tribute Books which is an up-and-coming small publishing house. They have had much success with "Stanley the Seagull," and we should look for more success from them in the future as they choose interesting books and fine authors to support.

To read more about Stanley and his authors, please go to:http://stanleyseagull.blogspot.com/

5 stars for a sweet book with important message.

BLOG TOUR STOP: Aaron's Environmental Corner

Aaron's Environmental Corner
September 17, 2011

Stanley Seagull
by Aaron

I was invited to review a new electronic children’s book, Stanley Seagull. The book was written by Cathy Mazur and wonderfully illustrated in watercolor-style by Colleen Gedrich. It’s now available on Amazon.

As you probably know, I have two baby girls at home – Heidi is 19 months and Adelyn is 8 months. I printed this book out (2 pages per side, double-sided, so the 32 pages wasn’t large) in color. I then read it to them and flipped through the pages so they could look at the photos.

The girls were delighted. This book is nicely illustrated and very different from many children’s books in that the pictures aren’t too detailed and instead focus on conveying mood. The little ones responded to that very well.

This book is great for kids and has a nice little story centered on Stanley, who is a seagull. He does his seagull thing and ends up getting lost and must find his way home. His adventure, while very simplistic, is nicely written and appeals to small children like mine.

A very awesome book and worth getting.


September 18, 2011

REVIEW: Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur
by Grace Krispy

Stanley Seagull and his friend Seymour live near the ocean. It’s a good life that becomes even better when Stanley finally gets to sample the bounty in the big green truck. Naive in the ways of the world, Stanley doesn’t leave the feast in time and finds himself transported hundreds of miles to a dump. There, he meets Walter. Walter’s nice and all, but Stanley really misses his home, and he won’t give up until he finds his way back. But he’s so far away and it seems hopeless! Do any gulls ever make their way back?

Written by Cathy Mazur and illustrated by Colleen Gedrich, ”Stanley Seagull“ is written in simple, childlike prose with darling pictures. The pictures are actually my favorite part of this story, and I think they will appeal to young children as much as they’ll delight adults. The story itself can be used as a springboard to have any number of discussions with children. Stanley doesn’t understand why he’s given the direction he’s given, and in not following instructions, he ends up lost in a strange place and in need of help. This is a good story to begin discussions about greed, following directions, perseverance, and helping others, and any number of other things.

In my first reading of this book, I felt the writing was too simple and didn’t have enough voice. It did make for a nice read aloud, though I felt it was missing some key punctuation in the writing. When I considered it as a book for children my own kids’ ages (independent readers), it felt a bit flat to me. A week later, I read it again, but this time thinking of a much younger audience than I originally had. With a much younger audience in mind, I found I enjoyed the story more and was better able to see the ways it could be used. All alone, it makes for a pleasant read aloud, but when you consider some of the ways you can use the book, it becomes all the more interesting. I suspect this will be a book a child will want to hear over and over.

4 /5 stars

From Tribute Books, Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

BLOG TOUR STOP: 4 The Love of Books

4 The Love of Books
September 19, 2011

Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur
by Abi Buening

Reading Stanley Seagull your child will learn the value of family, paying attention, listening to those older and wiser than them and following instructions. This book is a cute book about a Seagull that is taken miles away from his home and how he gets back home. I was so delighted to get to review this children's book. I have a soft spot for children's literature.

BLOG TOUR STOP: Frugal Fabulous Finds

Frugal Fabulous Finds
September 19, 2011

Book Review: Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur
by Melissa Roach

For this particular book review, I received the eBook version online (which was a total of 32 illustrated pages). This children’s story follows a seagull named Stanley, who lives at the beach and loves to share his passion for eating. Later, his cousin shows him a secret place to get all the food that he could ever wish for, but warns him to fly away when everyone else does. Instead of questioning why, Stanley agrees to go with all of the seagulls to the big green trucks on the pier where they find food that would last for weeks on end. But when the seagulls fly away, Stanley doesn’t notice and his carefree attitude gets the better of him.

When he finally escapes the green garbage truck, he has no idea where he is…or how he will ever get back to the ocean, which he learns is over a 100 miles away. Stanley meets Walter (another seagull who lives the dump) who tries to convince Stanley that life isn’t so bad without the ocean, and he should just get used to his new surroundings. But, Stanley cannot live without his ocean and vows to find it again. Will Stanley ever return to his beloved beach or will he be doomed to live so far away from home?

The story itself was very cute, although a little “wordy” at times. I am not sure so much dialogue was needed throughout the book…and I thought the ending should have been extended to what Stanley learned from his journey away from home. I could see this book used in an elementary classroom, for the purpose of learning the following: not to be greedy, listening to directions, being aware of your surroundings at all times, and to be thankful for what you have.

The illustrations were well drawn and did a good job accompanying the the storyline. Stanley is a very likable character, who many children will love to read about! I would recommend this book to ages elementary level and up.

To learn more about Stanley Seagull, you can visit the book’s website, and/or like the book on Facebook.

You can also learn more about the publisher, Tribute Books, by visiting their website, and/or liking them on Facebook. To learn more about their blog tours click here, and/or follow them on Twitter as well.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Book Signing Event - October 11, 6-8 p.m.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
6-8 p.m.

120 W. Market St.
Scranton, PA 18508
(570) 961-9681
click for more info

BLOG TOUR STOP: The One True Faith

The One True Faith
September 16, 2011

Stanley Seagull

by Faith Flaherty

Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur, illustrated by Colleen Gedrich is the latest children’s book I’ve read. As you can see the colors are eye catching and fun. I think everyone will love the illustrations. As for the story itself, well that also is fun. There’s so much to it. Tribute Publishers has done it again. There are many themes: the environment, food and nutrition, trash/landfills/use, bird life, etc.. But I’m choosing to write on morality. Yup! You read that correctly. I’d like to emphasize a theme of morality, in Stanley Seagull.

The story is about Stanley who loves his home by the ocean. He dives and catches his own fish; he has many friends; he loves the sun, salt air, beach, and the ocean. The gulls though, mostly lived off the “left behinds” that beach goers dropped.

And one time, Stanley’s cousin swooped down and stole a hot dog, hot off some people’s grill. Ah, this is where I honed in. Ask anyone who has lived near the ocean and they will have a similar seagull story to relate. I have my own story of a gull swooping down to steal a sandwich right out of my hand, when I was a child. This was at a state park in Rye, NH. I was appalled. As a child, the shock left me with a derogatory opinion of sea gulls. I always thought of them as ocean vultures.

But I’ve grown up now. I realize that birds are birds. They don’t have the mental abilities that human beings have. In fact, it is our job, as humans to take care of our world. The environment is another moral issue. We need to keep our oceans clean. We need to take care of our trash. And of course we have to take care of the animals and birds that inhabit our world. The care of our world is our responsibility.

When Stanley got trapped in a garbage truck, my childhood fear of getting lost made my heart drop to my stomach. Do we all feel that way? Imagine what Stanley felt. I think all children would love to tell their feelings and worries, about getting lost.

But Stanley Seagull has a happy ending, so children will leave this story happy. I was happy. I know you’ll be happy, too, after reading this book. They’re so much to it for everyone, on so many levels. It’s a keeper.

BLOG TOUR STOP: From the Mailbox

From the Mailbox
September 16, 2011

Stanley Seagull ebook Review
by Alicia

I was recently given the opportunity to read and review the book Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur, illustrated by Colleen Gedrich.

It was a great book about a young seagull whose name is Stanley. He ends up wandering away from home and then trying to find his way back. On his journey he learns how humans affect the balance of nature.

I thought the book was really great. It has a very important message, and it is written in a way that children will understand and find interesting. The artwork is also really nice and colorful. I love how the entire pages are artwork, and the text is over it. The book is very to the point, and a great length for children.

To get more info about Stanley Seagull you can check out the website, and you can go to the Facebook page!

Stanley Seagull was published by Tribute Books, you can visit their website, their Facebook page, and follow them on Twitter! You can also visit the Blog Tour Facebook page.

BLOG TOUR STOP: Adventures of Frugal Mom

Adventures of Frugal Mom
September 16, 2011

Stanley Seagull Stop on Ebook Tour
by Melissa Vera

I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to host Stanley Seagull's book tour today on Adventures of Frugal Mom. Stanley Seagull is an adorable children's book written by Cathy Mazur and illustrated by Colleen Gedrich. This adorable books relays the message that there is no place like home.
The pictures in the book are beautifully illustrated. They will sure catch your child's attention. The story is pure genius. Stanley is a gull who is looking for food but in quest he forgets the advice that his cousin tells him. They find food on the garbage trucks by the pier. There is plenty of food that Stanley makes a pig of himself only to learn to late that he should have listened to his cousin's advice. He ends up trapped in the garbage truck and carried hundreds of miles away from home. He meets a wise gull named Walter at the landfill. Will Walter give Stanley advice on how to get home?? Will Stanley listen to that advice?? Will Stanley ever make it home?? Pick up a copy to find out.
I thought this book was adorable. The lessons that it teaches are priceless. One there is no place like home. The second one is do not make a pig of yourself and the last one to always heed the advice of others. All children need to know these things. The way Mazur writes children are sure to remember these lessons so that will not be a Stanley Seagull.

You can find more information about Stanley Seagull at Stanley Seagull.

Interested in buying Stanley Seagull for your children. Well boy do I have some information for you. You can buy the hardcover edition of Stanley Seagull for $16.95.You can buy the paperback edition of Stanley Seagull for $7.95.You can even buy the Kindle Edition for $2.99, the Nook Edition for $4.95 and the iPad edition for $4.99.

BLOG TOUR STOP: Palace of Twelve Pillars

Palace of Twelve Pillars
September 15, 2011

Book Review: Stanley Seagull
by Christina Weigand

Book Review: Stanley Seagull

Author: Cathy Mazur

Illustrator: Colleen Gedrich

Stanley Seagull is a quirky young bird that will steal children’s hearts as he sets out on his adventures. Like any human child, Stanley takes on the world and doesn’t consider the consequences until he gets caught up in them.

Ms. Mazur has portrayed the young Stanley perfectly. I see my own children in his antics. I pray for him when he gets lost and celebrate with him when he finds his way home. The lessons are portrayed and taught well as Stanley progresses on his journey.

Ms. Gedrich’s illustrations are wonderful and add dimension to the story.

A must read to me book. If I had children of my own in this age group I would be reading this book to them. Instead I will find a way to get it into the hands of my son so he can share it with his daughter.

Five stars for Ms. Mazur and Ms. Gedrich and five stars for Stanley as he learns the lessons of family and thankfulness.

All for the glory of God,

Christina Weigand

Thursday, September 15, 2011

BLOG TOUR STOP: 3 Boys and a Dog

3 Boys and a Dog
September 15, 2011

Review: (BOOK) Stanley Seagull by Cathy Mazur
by Tabitha Pye

We loved it! My kids have a strange fascination with seagull’s, so this delightful book fit right into our family! Also as the story is somewhat centred around Stanley’s desire to scavenge for food and to find the best place to do this, I think it resonated in the stomach of my 4 year old son, who is constantly scavenging for food around our house :) . I really enjoyed reading this book to my kids because it not only told a story about a seagull who gets mistakenly removed from his home and his journey to get back but it also educates children about seagull’s themselves; and there are many life lessons to be learned as well. I don’t want to go into too much detail because I think you should read this book to your kids!

We received the Kindle version of the book and we read it from my iPod so there were times when your didn’t see a picture and because my older kids are 6 and 4, the 4 year old would get distracted easily not having anything to look at. But in my experience of children’s books this is by far one of the nicer reads. It flows nicely and doesn’t sound disjointed.

Our favorite part was of course the end when Stanley finally made it back home! :)

Buy it!

Hardcover buy link: ($16.95)
Paperback buy link: ($7.95)
Kindle buy link: ($2.99)
Nook buy link: ($4.95)
iPad buy link: ($4.99)

Other links of interest:

Stanley Seagull web site
Stanley the Seagull on Facebook
Tribute Books


Book Dads
September 14, 2011

Review: Stanley Seagull

by Chris Singer

Stanley Seagull is more than just a cute story about a seagull trying to find his way back home. This story is packed with excellent lessons about friendship, the importance of listening and paying attention, greed, determination, healthy eating and environmental conservation.

I give the author a lot of credit here because she doesn’t just bluntly tell readers what the lessons are in the story. Instead, young readers will be touched by different elements of the story and will come away with a lesson themselves. My daughter seemed to be struck by the fact that Stanley didn’t listen (listening is something we take about a lot as she is a toddler after all!!). More mature readers might see how Stanley was greedy in only caring about eating.

I think many young readers will really enjoy the story and might be in awe of the colorful illustrations like my own daughter was. Stanley Seagull would make an excellent read aloud as well in that it presents parents with an opportunity to get an idea of which of the story’s themes made an impression on their children.

BLOG TOUR STOP: Cynthia's Attic

Cynthia's Attic
September 15, 2011

Stanley Seagull in Cynthia's Attic!
by Mary Cunningham

Meet a young seagull named Stanley. Follow him as he wanders far from home and tries to find his way back. Join Stanley on his journey as he learns how humans affect the balance of nature.

Stanley Seagull thinks he’s found the perfect seaside “restaurant”, a huge garbage pile. He feeds and feeds, but fails to heed his cousin, Seymor’s warning to be prepared to fly away at a moment’s notice and Stanley finds himself far away from his beloved ocean.

Stanley Seagull, written by former librarian, Cathy Mazur, delivers a heartwarming, tightly-written story for the young reader. In addition to being entertained, however, the reader will learn valuable lessons along the way; For instance, when something looks too good to be true, it probably is, pay attention when someone warns you of possible danger, and friends can be found in the most unlikely places.

Colleen Gedrich brings Stanley, his friends, and this fast-paced story to life with vivid, energetic illustrations.

Hardcover buy link: ($16.95)

Paperback buy link: ($7.95)

Kindle buy link: ($2.99)

Nook buy link: ($4.95)

BLOG TOUR STOP: Everyday Ramblings of My Life

Everyday Ramblings of My Life
September 15, 2011

Stanley Seagull book review
by Tara Funair

Meet a young seagull named Stanley. Follow him as he wanders far from home and tries to find his way back. Join Stanley on his journey as he learns how humans affect the balance of nature. (Book Summary)

The boys really enjoyed the book. Luke understood and grasped the concept of Stanley's adventure. Anthony was sad but then happy when Stanley returned home, and Christopher loved naming the colors and pointing out the birds. Something for everyone.

I like how the illustrations (Colleen Gedrich) were friendly to all of the age ranges in my house. The story itself (written by Cathy Mazur) allows the children to learn about different aspects of this particular bird and they can easily follow along. The concept can easily be explained to my 5 year old in a way he understands while my 8 year old can read through the book on his own.

Stanley Seagull Website Stanley Seagull on Facebook

You can purchase the book in the Hardcover ($16.95) or Paperback ($7.95) version, as well as for the Kindle ($2.99), Nook ($4.95), and iPad ($4.99)